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At Tangent Software, it’s our goal to bring you the availability of all your data to you from any device as simply and as fast as possible. Our software has state of the art speeds, allowing you to access all of your devices and information as if you had them on you!


Lacking storage space? Try Tangent Cloud Sync, the best priced cloud storage application on the market! Store all your applications, photos and videos to the cloud, with this intuatively designed service. If bundled with Home sync or Remote Access, recieve a free 50GB of extra storage space.


Have enough storage on a home computer? Well then try out Tangent Home Sync, and utilize your personal computers storage to hold you precious data to reach from any device! You'll never have to decide what games you have to delete to make room, or which cat memes to throw out to add new ones, simply send your photos to either the Cloud or to safely sit at home. Then when you need them, load up the app, and either download the files again, or view them from the app!


Tangent Remote Access is a state of the art remote file sharing and access software. What sets us apart from the few available remote access tools, is our complete cross-platform ability. No more need for staying attached to one operating system. With our program subscription, all platforms are one in the same! Our highly advanced cloud storage technology is top of the line, and competitively priced, allowing you a cheap and easy solution for storage and organization.

Hand on Laptop

Tangent Remote Access is great for commercial use, as well as personal. Utilize the computing power of your work computer from any device, with as low as 5% processing difference. Don't get stuck at the office touching up that project. Do it in the comfort of your home instead. And with Home Sync, you can choose files and folders you want to backup, copy, or stay synced from two devices in real time! 



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